Enough is enough. It has been an entire year since our first date. That perfect evening in June 2010 where I was charmed by your personality. It’s been a year of flirting, mixed messages and sexual tension, all wrapped beautifully in a “we are great friends” package.
Enough is enough. For a full year, I’ve been pretending that nothing is going on. Making believe that I do not feel attracted to you. Pushing all these feelings down convincing myself that these are not real and only a distraction.
Enough is enough. I’m done feeling shame for having these feelings towards you. I’m tired of worrying about the “what does this mean” or the “what will others think”. Most importantly, I’m tired of wondering what your intentions are.
Enough is enough. I can’t stand any more flirting. I’m feeling hurt and fooled. I’m disappointed you have not brought it up. I’m afraid you will deny everything.
Enough is enough. If the flirting is serious, if I mean more than a friend to you, let’s imagine how a relationship could look like. I can’t promise I want to change my lifestyle and be with you, but I’m willing to explore. If you are not being serious and do not acknowledge the flirting, then we need to step back and recreate our friendship, because as it is, is not working for me.
All these flirting make me feel unsettled. Confused. Lonely. I don’t want to feel this anymore.
Enough is enough.
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