Sunday, June 17, 2007

Sharing... once again, this time for real.

Hola Yshaito,

Now it’s my turn to be clear as you were a few days ago. I’ve decided to write you because I can express myself better in writing than in the phone.

Let’s say that you invite me to a wedding, in which I understand that implies to share a special moment for you, meet your friends, hear your speech, see you in a tux, dance all night, sing with the karaoke, and have a great time, as we have had so far every time we see each other. Let’s say I say yes immediately, even though it also implies I’ll need to drive 2 hours each way and come back by myself but I feel it’s totally worth it.

Let’s say that you were expecting me to wear a blue dress (share a room). You have the picture in your mind but you don’t share it with me. Our expectations are different.

Back in San Diego, when I thought of the wedding a week ago, I go into my closet and start wondering what I should wear (where will I spend the night) and I found a black dress (a reservation at a hotel where a friend works with her employee rate).

I was really excited because the day in which I was going to see you was approaching so I e-mailed you and told you about my black dress (my sleeping arrangements) and asked what you were going to wear.

You call me and tell me that you are surprised (not happy) about my dress choice. That’s when you said you expected me to wear a blue dress. I felt really awkward. I had a feeling you liked blue but because you didn’t mentioned it when you invited me I felt free to choose my dress color.

I don’t look good in blue and I don’t feel comfortable wearing a color that is not my choice (I know I don’t share a room with someone I’m attracted to, with someone I feel chemistry with when we are both going to be drinking all night).

I’m afraid to fool myself and feel we are a couple sharing a romantic night together when we are not. I’m afraid to start having feelings for you when you live in a different city, when I feel I don’t know you well enough. I’m afraid to be vulnerable, to loose focus and energy. I’m afraid this is not the right timing, that there are many changes in my life and that I need to be focus and feel in control. I’m afraid to get hurt. As we all are.

You feel I’m putting barriers. Well I am. But the only way I can stop being afraid is by sharing moments, by spending time together, by feeling you are truly interested in me, by feeling appreciated. By living the present, letting the relationship grow, evolve and take its own path, whatever this might be.

I feel really bad you are disappointed. I didn’t want to bring any negative feelings into your best friend’s wedding. I’m also sad because I feel unappreciated if I don’t wear blue.

Well here it is. Me being open, clear, honest and, therefore, vulnerable.

I would like you to be honest as well and let me know if you still feel good about your decision of inviting me to the wedding, even if I plan to wear my “black dress”.



Anonymous said...

Hi Charline,

Maybe he is going too fast. Don't be afraid to be yourself. If you are not ready to spend the night with him, if you don't feel comfortable wearing a blue dress, then, don't do it. And there is nothing wrong with exposing your vulnerability, that just goes to demonstrate how sensitive you can be, and the enormous amount of courage you have.

I would say, go to the party, wear your black dress, don't spend the night with him, be proud of yourself and whatever happens happens. If he is meant for you, things will work out just fine.

I wish you the best my dear. Just have fun!

Miss Neumann said...





Sasy said...

Lo unico que te puedo decir, es que el que no arriesga no gana...
Relationships are complicated...only if we want to.

Es hasta cierto punto normal que el hombre siempre espere algo mas que una simple amistad, que un simple date, que un simple algo, esta en nuestras manos cmabiar el rumbo de su pensamiento.

No te sientas que estas siendo vulnerable, simplemente estas siendo honesta sin dejar de ser tu, si el a final de cuentas no te lleva a la boda porque tu decidiste llevar el "black dress", entonces, ahi tu tendras tu respuesta.


Sasy said...

and I hope everything works out fine

Javo said...

A mi me laten más los vestidos rojos, ya que el que se viste de negro en las bodas generalmente soy yo, y pa vestir de azul cualquier día, pero cuando llevas a una chica a una boda el rojo es el color chingón.......

Harry Papaley said...

eres muy madura.creo que la honestidad y la vulnerabilidad van de la mano aunque no crecen una en relacion a la otra...