Saturday, March 17, 2007


Assignment #1: Look back through your life to discover and distinguish your "strong suits":
  • Independent
  • Friendly
  • Responsible

Assignment #3: Write a letter to someone with whom you have been inauthentic or are incomplete with. Share with them the possibility you have invented for yourself and your life.

Dear Yshaito,

I regret that I wasn't completely honest with you. I would like you to know that after spending an amazing weekend I started to have feelings towards you and I got really scared. I was scared of feeling something that you were not, and therefore I was affraid of being rejected and vulnerable. Instead I created in my mind a story, an interpretation of what happened since you were here, in which you lost interest in me.

I also kept repeating me a story I was told about you. In the summer a mutual friend told me that you are the kind of guy who gets really excited about someone and suddenly loose interest. After 6 months, when you started to show interest in me I was just waiting for the moment in which you would loose it. I'm not sure if you notice it but I have been playing games, making sure I don't show interest or look vulnerable.

In the meantime I want to express to you openly that I really like you, that I enjoyed your company and talking to you. I know that we don't know each other that well but I would like to get to know you better because I found you special, I admire the fact that you are open and ask for what you want and I like the way I feel when I'm with you.

I have invented the possibility of being truth to myself and that's why I want to start being open and corageous enough to say how I feel withouth letting my fears (which I still have) get on the way of being authentic.*

*Disclaimer: This was just an assignment and this letter will not be read by the person who inspired me to write it.


Javo said...

vivir sin miedos es vivir con libertad.

Harry Papaley said...

vientos por la sinceridad y el valor!

pez said...

Charline, mándame tu foto, porque Cyndy nunca me la envió

Anonymous said...

esos si son pantaloncitos!
Te extranoooooooooooooo!
no se vale que sea...

betsyta said...

very powerful! I admire your fearless sincerity :-)


Sasy said...

es dificil no tenerle miedo a lo que nos hace sentir alguien que nos gusta, pero es mas dificil reconocerlo y sobre todo decirlo en voz alta.


Miss Neumann said...

amiga... te aplaudo!!!! y de pie!
