Well in less than a week I will be 29 or as a few would say… almost 30! This is like a landmark… people tend to question themselves about what they thought they would have done when they would turned thirty. C’mon admit it… if you already are 30 you made that list.
These lists are usually large. They are full of big expectations… we are grown ups so we should have for sure done this or that. Well even though I’m not turning thirty I will make a list. But with a twist.
What I’m proud I have done up until my 29th birthday:
- I travel with my best friend* to Israel when I was 19
- I moved out from my parent’s house when I was 20 (unusual in Mexico)
- I managed my first business at 20 (a restaurant)
- A man ask me to marry him when I was 19
- I decided to move out from Mexico at 22
- I opened a shoe store and managed 10 employees at 22
- I’ve been in love and being loved back… twice
- I lost my virginity to an amazing guy who was virgin as well
- I lived with my best friend* (my best plan) for 2 years
- I had my first kiss at my favorite place on earth – Israel
- I had been 3 times in my favorite place on earth (you know where)
- I’m finally enrolled in a masters degree at USD
- When I realize I was not happy with my life at 26, I changed it
- When I faced dead for the first time, a wonderful man hugged me really hard, it ease my pain
- I have someone who loves me and I love*
- I have a cat… maxito
- I finally understand that life is not about wondering what I want, but wanting what I have