"G-d determines who walks into your life...It is up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go"
For some reason in the last week or so I have seen this phrase several times. I believe in signs and the universe talking to us, therefore I finally gave in and reflect.
Lots of people have walked into my life in the last years. I have decided to let walk away those people that have no impact in my life, that don't inspire me, or that for some reason pull energy out of me.
On the contrary I let stay and am surrounded by great friends. People with great energy, people that have so much to give and share. I have learned from them and growth through them. They fulfill my life with love and care. I would do anything for them and I feel they are there for me. I can include some members of my family in this category.
I have refuse to let go all those people that touched my life and are not part of it anymore. My first love, my first husband, all those people that I grew up with and hold dearly in my heart. I think of them. I care about them. They are part of my history, of who I am, therefore they are part of me.
But there is another category that is not mentioned in that phrase. What do I do with those people that I don't want in my life? How do I get ride of them? If they have hurt me, if they at least try to hurt me... how do I remove them, erase them from my life, stop thinking about them?
I know the answer, but I'm refused to hear it... yes, it's forgiveness. Once I forgive them, I'll love them again.
A few days ago I promised I will forgive. Others and myself. Others, for telling me they had feelings for me when they don't. Me, for wanting it to be real, when I knew it was not. Me, for feeling the need to be special for someone that is special for me. Me, for feeling the need to be loved. Me, for making a fool of myself.
I give thanks to G-d (or whatever you want to call it) for everything and everyone I had, have and will have in my life. And for giving me the capability to forgive, as I have had it in the past.