Thursday, January 29, 2009


Today I had an aha moment...

  • Today I started my day with the left foot.

  • Today I felt very upset about many different situations.

  • Today I identified that it was not that EVERYTHING was wrong, but that I was CHOOSING to see it that way.

  • Today I learned that with the right attitude we can get much more than if we get mad at the situation.

  • Today I learned that I should not drive myself based only on my emotions.

  • Today I understood that it's easier when you know yourself and can identify what is going on your head.

  • Today I experienced the difference between throwing a tantrum and control my own thoughts.

Today I felt bigger. Today I laughed. Today I enjoyed. Today I advanced. It was difficult, but much worth it.

At least that's how it felt, but again, What the bleep do I know?!?!?

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

I like him

...but he is clearly NOT that into me. Oh well...

On the other hand, the guy that is into me... I don't like.

Sounds familiar? Asi o mas complicada puedo llegar a ser.

Monday, January 12, 2009

I'm SO back

After a few days in Mexico, I had a wonderful realization...

I'm the luckiest person in the world for living in this country, which offers me so many opportunitities... I just need to focus and work hard towards my goal and I can become whatever I want!!

Now I have a vision of who I would like to be when I grow up... I just need to walk towards it:).

Charline is back and re-energized!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

I like him...

and I hope he likes me...